
About_en の変更点はてなブックマーク




I am cubic9com (spell in Japanese:きゅーこん, pronunciation:Kyūkon )

I'm interested in virtual reality, hobby electronics, home automation, and Star Wars :)


*Demos for Oculus Rift
-&size(30){[[Ultra Sushi-Go-Round>/Devel/OculusRift/Ultra-Sushi-Go-Round_en]]};: You get on a dish of sushi-go-round. And now you sprint like a roller coaster.


-&size(30){[[A Locomotion Method with Extendable Arms>Devel/OculusRift/Xtendables_en#locomotion]]};

-&size(30){[[Shooting Gallery App Playable with Extendable Arms>Devel/OculusRift/Xtendables_en#shootinggallery]]};

-&size(30){Zombies and Sushi};: You make sushi and throw it against zombies to feed them. And then they will be satisfied and go to heaven.


-&size(30){[[BobbingBots>/Devel/OculusRift/BobbingBots_en]]};: Modified AngryBots, a sample game attached to Unity3D, into FPS-style game with the Oculus Rift and Android phone.


-&size(30){[[Mikujalus>/Devel/OculusRift/Mikujalus_en]]};: Touching Hatsune Miku's hair by hacked Power Glove or Android phone.



*Art for Oculus Rift
-&size(30){[[Generative Art scripts for Oculus Touch, Unity3D and Unicessing>]]};.



*Hobby Electronics with Arduino


-[[Modified PowerGlove>Devel/電子工作/Arduino/PaxPowerGlove_en]]
-[[Gamepad made with Arduino>Devel/電子工作/Arduino/ゲームコントローラー]]
-[[Music instrument made with Arduino>Devel/電子工作/Arduino/楽器]]

*Hobby Electronics with Raspberry Pi
-[[R2-D2 home controller made with Raspberry Pi>Devel/電子工作/irMagician/赤外線学習リモコンR2-D2]]



*Apps for Android
-[[DroidGlove>]]: An app for controlling hand in virtual reality space.
-[[PumpkinVR>]] : A tiny game for Google Cardboard. Defeat pumpkins with [[DroidGlove>]]!
-[[Ultra Sushi-Go-Round>]]: A demo for Google Cardboard. You get on a dish of sushi-go-round. And now you sprint like a roller coaster.
-[[Show Previous and Next Tweets plugin for twicca>]]

**3D CG

*Making Fan Goods


*Underwater photographs
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